Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Help me please

 My most recent quilt was in response to a friends request for a quilt for her Human Trafficing Awareness Day. 

Human Trafficing is a problem that has been long ignored, yet many suffer in the midst of bondage to slavery.  Men, women and children are held captive by others and forced to do things not of their free will.  A large percent of the human trafficing problem is within the sex trade industry but it can also show up in labor and other venues. 

The blue heart is indictive of the rescue organziations - many of the org. names are stitched onto the heart.  The verse within - Is 61:1-3 speaks to the hope to set the captive free.  The chains indicate the bondage and captivity of those in slavery.  The chain is made with citylights themed fabric as often slavery can go unnoticed in the dark and populated areas.  The hands are all those seeking to be free from bondage.  I stitched between the hands in jerky, chaotic movement to indicate the fear, panic and chaos that those trapped live in daily.  The hands are of all skin color thread for this is not a problem of one nationality, but of all races and countries.  The hands are of all gender and age for slavery seems to know no descrimination.  Where the chain intersects the heart, the outreach of care to rescue, it is broken and within the cirle there is no longer chaotic stitching, only the hope of the scripture and those who seek to help. 

My hope is that this quilt will give a visual picture of the battle raging within our cities and cause us to open our eyes to the bondage that many live with invisibly, yet so controlling. 
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