Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Potholders for Patriots

I recently visited an old friend, it was a last minute invitation to stay the night by her as we were on our way through her state.

As a quilter I find that I often study a home or person so that I might bless them with handcrafts in the future. That was my inspiration for this project as I was wanting to send a thank you note and gift for her gracious hospitality. She has among her decor many quilts and a framed picture of the White House, I had star fabric- this was the outcome.

These other potholder quilts were from other "scraps" that I played with. They are destined for reunited family and a wife supporting our nation. Ellen's husband has just deployed to Afghanistan, I am hoping that she will be blessed and that it will remind her to pray for him, as I have as I have finished these. Her sister will be happy for pretty quilting to cheer her kitchen.

If you have not made trivets or potholders they are a great way to use up scraps- sewing them together in random ways that suit you. I start with a few ideas, stitching two pieces together and build until I like the size and work. I then layer them with batting, Insul Bright, a heat resistant batting between the topping and backing fabric. After quilting I bind like a normal quilt. This time I got smart and they all received a few shots of scotchguard to give them longer life. They will soon surprise and brighten a few kitchens!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like the perfect gift! And, I just love the shawl.
